
Royal AU ~

Age ~ 16 OR 20

Species ~ Siren turned Demon

Height ~ 5.5

Status ~ Princess of the Siren Kingdom

Sexuality ~ Pansexual


Is technically the eldest of the Demonessias, since Jesica is the Demonessia's step-sister.- Overlooks her kingdom of the sirens, banshees and other supernatural creatures that are most likely cast aside by the demons in hell. Even though is is technically a queen of her own kingdom, most just call her the Siren. Her responsibility is mainly to take care of the creatures that are sent to hell. Overconfident in herself but thats mainly an act, she doesn't know what she's doing half the time. She likes to have fun and do what she wants, a free spirit. She keeps a bit of secrets, but thats only because she overthinks a lot of things. She is a siren that was cursed to be a demon, when this happened, the rest of her family, besides her two young sisters, abandoned them completely, although, she doesn't really have time or the care to think about this considering the kingdom she has now.

Frans powers are basically- Like a sirens. She can sing at a fabulous high pitch and whenever she sings, it entises anybody who hears it right to her. When she does use her powers, a light blue aura will glow around her, and her eyes will shine blue. When her powers are activated, anybody who hears her voice will automatically become allured by her and will do her bidding out of love for her. Can also teleport, Jesica taught her how to.- Jesica also tried to teach her telekinesis, but Fran couldn't do it.

Fran overall has three forms.-

Her human form, which is the form she takes most often, the normal, human looking brown haired and brown eyed girl.

Her demon form, which is the form she takes, least often. The horns on her head are black and curled, and her eyes stay brown, except she has a slit in the middle of her eye. Her wings are around the same size as her, if not a little smaller, and they are pretty strong with flying her around. Her two tails are long and flexible. She admittedly, likes her demon form the most, its what she believes she looks like.

Her siren form, honestly she takes this form more then she'd liket to admit. She has a mermaid tail, which is blue at the base and gets progressively darker at the tip of her tail. She has little indego fins on her face and her eyes shine a brilliant blue, with a slit down the middle as her pupil.

Mafia AU ~ Age ~ 16 OR 20

Species ~ Siren turned Demon

Height ~ 5.5

Status ~ Gabrielli Mafia

Sexuality ~ Pansexual

Is technically the eldest of the Demonessias, since Jesica is the Demonessia's step-sister.- Is in charge of security and is the main spy in the mafia, uses her siren powers to get information and such. Overconfident in herself but thats mainly an act, she doesn't know what she's doing half the time. She likes to have fun and do what she wants, a free spirit. She keeps a bit of secrets, but thats only because she overthinks a lot of things. She is a siren that was cursed to be a demon, when this happened, the rest of her family, besides her two young sisters, abandoned them completely.

Frans powers are basically- Like a sirens. She can sing at a fabulous high pitch and whenever she sings, it entises anybody who hears it right to her. When she does use her powers, a light blue aura will glow around her, and her eyes will shine blue. When her powers are activated, anybody who hears her voice will automatically become allured by her and will do her bidding out of love for her. Jesica, along with Magnus, has invented a little earpiece to stick in peoples ears so that Francescas siren singing doesn't effect them. Can also teleport, Jesica taught her how to.